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Hello & Welcome

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to Performance Zone's very first blog ever. It's almost surreal to be writing to you right now. The reason I say that is because I've been working towards this goal for almost 5 years. There have been many trials & successes, plenty of tears and many laughs, but every single experience has been so worth it!!! It's so worth helping a client relieve a headache, reduce pain between the shoulder blades, or have a client feel so comfortable and relaxed they fall asleep on your table. On the flip side I love being an entrepreneur because I can make my own hours, create my own experiences in my business to provide intrigue, and I just love the 60 or 90 minutes I get to spend getting to know my clients. Everyone is unique and brings something new to the table. I learn from each of you as I hope you learn something from me too. So "Cheers" to future experiences as we all learn and grow together as the best is always yet to come!!!

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